Formal Workspace Export

Safelink can provide an export of the contents of your workspace.

We will provide a cover letter confirming that the copies are accurate and, if more than one, identical. The documents will be password-encrypted on the disk (as an encrypted zip so they can still be browsed and opened directly in Windows). Finally, when you are ready, please invite to the workspace as a workspace manager so we can run the extraction.

Regarding the export of your workspace, we will require answers to the following questions:

  1. Confirm that you wish to include all documents from the documents area?
  2. Should we include documents from the room's trash bin?
  3. Should we include questions and their responses from the Q&A?
  4. Should we include any Secure Mail correspondence?
  5. Should we include a copy of the audit logs?
  6. Does it need to be on a USB key?
  7. How many copies would you like? The pricing, for reference, is £150 for the first and £75 for each subsequent copy.
  8. How many copies of the cover letter would you like? If more than one, should they all be addressed to the same person or different people? Please provide the names and addresses of each recipient.
  9. Where should we send the copies to?