1. Helpdesk
  2. Getting Started

Welcome to Safelink - The basics

Welcome to Safelink! This guidance document will teach you the basics. Note that your workspace may look a little different depending on which type of workspace you are using and which apps have been enabled by your workspace admin.

We hope you enjoy using the system and find the following information helpful.


How to View a Document in your Workspace

  1. This is your workspace homepage. To view the documents and folders in this workspace, click on Documents.1

  2. This is the folder view, where you can view all the folders and documents in your workspace. Click on a folder to open it.2

  3. Next, click on a document to view it.3

  4. You have various viewing options and document tools on the right in the document viewer.4

How to Highlight Document Sections and Apply an Annotation

  1. To highlight document sections, click the Highlight Tool on the right, then drag and drop a box over the section you would like to highlight.5
  2. You can add a note to your highlight and share it. 7
    Note: Who can see your annotations and highlighted sections determines which of the sharing buttons is selected. By default, each annotation is visible only to its author.

  3. You can share your notes with other workspace members or keep them private.
    Only Me - Keep your notes private. No other users can see the notes you add to the document.
    My Group - Share your notes with users in your Group. Group members are determined by Workspace Admins.
    Everyone - Share your notes with everyone in this workspace.


How to Arrange Documents in a Folder

    1. Hover over the grey bar.8
    2. Grab and drag to reorder the documents.9
    3. Documents in the new order.10

    How to Move Documents Between Folders

    1. Tick the box next to the documents you want to move, then click Move from the Acton Toolbar. 11
    2. Select the destination you wish to move the selected documents to.12
    3. Click Move.13
    4. Selected documents were moved to the selected destination.14

    Apply Numbering to All Folders and Their Contents

    1. Right-click the folder you want to number and select Numbering from the context menu.15

    2. Then, select change the numbering style. 16

    3. Customise your numbers and click Save Settings. 17

    4. Choose how you would like to apply the Numbering and click Apply Numbering. 18

    View your documents and folders as a Virtual Binder

    This App must be enabled by a Workspace Admin for it to work.

    1. Click Show as Binder.19

    2. Safelink will automatically generate a clickable index to help you navigate to different documents in your Binder. Click on the tabs to browse different sections or click on a page corner to leaf through the pages.20

    3. Click Close to go back to the Folder View.21

    Downloading Individual Documents

    1. Select a document in the folder view and click Export from the action toolbar. 
      You can download the document in its original format or download it as a PDF with redactions and annotations.

    Downloading Folders as a PDF

    1. Select the documents that you would like to download in the Folder View.23.1

    2. Click Export from the Actions Toolbar.23

    3. Before you download your folder, customise it! When you are ready to download your PDF, click Submit.24

    These are just the basics! The Safelink system has many different types of workspaces and apps to help you finish your projects and achieve your personal, client and company goals.