How to Set Up Workspace Security

Only Workspace admins can manage security settings for a workspace. Please contact your Workspace admin to update your security settings.

  1. To begin, click 'Manage Workspace'.

  2. Next, scroll down to the 'Security' section on your Workspace Settings page.

  3. Next, set an 'Authentication Policy'. There are five authentication policies to choose from.

    • Automatic - This will follow the 'Authentication Policy' that has been set by your Licence admin.
    • Standard Authentication - Workspace members who log in to Safelink with their username and password will be able to access this workspace.
    • 2FA Via Authenticator App or SMS - Workspace members who log in to Safelink with their username and password will also be required to enter a two-factor authentication code from SMS or an Authenticator app. New users will have the ability to set up 2FA through either SMS or an Authenticator App.
    • 2FA Via Authenticator App - Workspace members who log in to Safelink with their username and password are required to enter a two-factor authentication code from an Authenticator app.
    • 2FA Via Authenticator App or SMS (only Admins can set up telephone numbers) - Workspace members who log in to Safelink with their username and password will also be required to enter a two-factor authentication code from SMS or an Authenticator app. New users can only set up 2FA using an authenticator app. Users who would like to use SMS for authentication will need to contact their Licence Administrator and request to add the mobile number to their account.
  4. Tick 'Members Visible?' If this box is ticked, it will be possible for all members of the workspace to find out who all the other members are through various listings and the address book of the secure mail module. Workspace admins are always visible to all members of the workspace and all members will be visible to them. This option is enabled by default.

  5. Tick 'Encrypt Data?' If this box is ticked, the contents of this workspace will be encrypted before being stored in Safelink's databases. This provides the highest level of protection for your data and an exceptional level of isolation between workspaces.

  6. 'Automatically re-issue workspace keys when a user resets their password' - By ticking this box, you will be sharing encryption keys used for this workspace with the 'Safelink Re-Auth Bot', which will automatically re-authorise access to this workspace when a member of the workspace resets their password. If you leave this box unticked, a Workspace manager will need to manually re-authorise access to the workspace when a member of the workspace resets their password. The system will not share encryption keys with the 'Safelink Re-Auth Bot'.

  7. Scroll down to the end of the options and select 'Save' to save your settings.