How to Save a Search

You can save search results to reference later and share them with other users in your workspace. You can save your search in both the Search Wizard and Power Search. A Workspace Admin must enable the Search app for it to work.

  1. Click the 'Search' tab.


  2. Click the 'Search Wizard' or 'Power Search' tab.

  3. Enter your search query and click 'Search'.


  4. The system will display your search results. Click 'Save this Search' from the 'Actions Menu' on the right.


  5. Next, name your search query and choose whom you would like to share it with. You can keep your saved search private, share it with your Group or let everyone in the workspace see it. Next click 'Save Query'.


  6. You can view all your saved searches in the Folder View in your 'Saved Searches' folder.
