How To Invite a User Into Your Workspace via Access and Permissions

Workspace Admins can invite users into their workspace.

How To Invite a User Into Your Workspace via Access and Permissions - Gen 4
How To Invite a User Into Your Workspace via Access and Permissions - Gen 3


How To Invite a User Into Your Workspace via Access and Permissions - Gen 4


  1. To invite a user, click Manage Workspace


  2. Next, hover over Access & Permissions and click Workspace Access


  3. Select Invite Another User from the Actions menu. 


  4. On the Invite a user to this Workspace screen, you can choose what level of access or Workspace Role should be applied. 


  5. If you have groups set up in your workspace, you can add this user to a group.


  6. You can apply the default folder permissions of this workspace or copy the folder permissions of another user in this workspace.


  7. You can invite an existing Safelink user into your workspace or invite a new user. 
    • If this user already has a Safelink account, you can enter their email address or name into the Invite an existing Safelink user search field.


    • To invite a new user, enter their full name and email address into the relevant text fields. 


  8. Click Invite to send an invitation email to this user. The invitation email will contain a link that will help guide the user to your workspace when clicked. To see a copy of the workspace invitation, please click here.


  9. You can see all the users who have access to your workspace on the Workspace Access page.




How To Invite a User Into Your Workspace via Access and Permissions - Gen 3


  1. To invite a user, click Manage Workspace


  2. Next, click Access and Permissions


  3. Select Invite Another User from the Actions menu. 


  4. On the Invite a user to this Workspace screen, you can choose what level of access or Workspace Role should be applied. 


  5. If you have groups set up in your workspace, you can add this user to a group.


  6. You can apply the default folder permissions of this workspace or copy the folder permissions of another user in this workspace.


  7. You can invite an existing Safelink user into your workspace or invite a new user. 
    • If this user already has a Safelink account, you can enter their email address or name into the Invite an existing Safelink user search field.

    • To invite a new user, enter their full name and email address into the relevant text fields. 
  8. Click Invite to send an invitation email to this user. The invitation email will contain a link that will help guide the user to your workspace when clicked. To see a copy of the workspace invitation, please click here.


  9. You can see all the users who have access to your workspace on the Workspace Access page.
