Expero - Download the Contents of Your Workspace

Use one of the methods outlined below to download your workspace files. You will need download permissions in order for this to work.

Download workspace contents as a ZIP from the folder tree.

  1. Right-click Documents on the folder tree to the left.2023-09-14_21-54-02

  2. Next, select Download Folder as Zip.2023-09-14_21-55-55

  3. The system will build your report. When it is ready, tick Download the report to download your Zip file. Then click Download Report.2023-09-14_21-59-43


Download workspace contents as ZIP from the Documents Area.

  1. Click Select All.2023-09-14_22-02-51

  2. Click Export on the top bar and select Download as Zip 2023-09-14_22-06-20

  3. The system will build your report. When it is ready, tick Download the report to download your Zip file. Then click Download Report.

Download workspace contents as a PDF

  1. Select Download as PDF.2023-09-14_22-14-25

  2. Customise your PDF using the options below, and when you are ready, press Submit.

  3. The system will build your report.2023-09-14_22-21-04 
  4. When it is ready, tick Download the report to download your Zip file.  2023-09-14_22-24-31

  5. Lastly, view your PDF.2023-09-14_22-30-01